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發表:X Ma 2014-07-25 23:26:00 閱覽數:122363 (IP: ) T 4407_R 0 引 用


回應:X Ma 2015-09-24 05:03:18 (IP: ) T 4407_R 151 引 用

I certainly agree that Seaman san knows the power of the ocean well as he ever served in ROC navy and international merchandise feet. However, the ex-USS “SARSFIELD (DD-837)” became 德陽艦(DD-25) in 1977 and decommissioned in 2005 now is a Museum ship in An-Ping, Tainan must experienced way more intriguing muscle of seas in her 6 decades service in two navies. Don’t feel odd for her 4” gun and other up-to-date gadgets on the deck when you visit her.

回應:X Ma 2015-09-24 05:09:47 (IP: ) T 4407_R 152 引 用

Just about few hundred meters away there stands a giant 16 m (total 20 m) high Ma-Ju (maiden 林默娘) statue. It’s interesting to see two unrelated or even contrary objects appear in neighboring area. The water (or sea) accidentally brought them together. It’s the power of water as you have professed.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-09-24 15:09:15 (IP: ) T 4407_R 153 引 用
X Ma San Seems to know Taiwan areas quite well.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-09-24 16:03:27 (IP: ) T 4407_R 154 引 用

回應:s-Khoan 2015-09-24 16:05:43 (IP: ) T 4407_R 155 引 用

回應:s-Khoan 2015-09-25 12:36:54 (IP: ) T 4407_R 156 引 用
三叉戟飛彈(Trident missile)是美國製造的潛射彈道飛彈(SLBM).

回應:s-Khoan 2015-09-26 13:01:24 (IP: ) T 4407_R 157 引 用
Everything has its dark side. ;-p


回應:s-Khoan 2015-09-26 13:20:17 (IP: ) T 4407_R 158 引 用
在電影「達文西密碼」, 教授藍登演講時 碰到同樣問題。

Now this symbol. Anyone?
In English, please.
Devil‘s pitchfork.
Poor, poor Poseidon.
That is his trident. A symbol of power
to millions of the ancients.)

回應:X Ma 2015-09-26 23:28:22 (IP: ) T 4407_R 159 引 用

Dear s-Khoan san,

Thanks for the clip; it’s penetrating!

It seems you have a fond of the character of Neptune / Poseidon and fascinate on the power of the trident, and the philosophy behind it. You make me think of “濁水溪畔的高中生” san, a gentleman of wise。

Somewhere in this forum one still finds his words about Neptune:
“Neptune 是羅馬神話中的海神和水神,相對應於希臘神話中的波塞頓(Poseidon),亦被稱為大地的震撼者(地震)、大地的佔有者。他的坐騎是白馬駕駛的黃金戰車,手執三叉戟,這也是海王星的天文學符號。”

“濁水溪畔的高中生” san also introduced the famous paint of Rubens’ ‘The Union of Earth and Water”:

▲ Peter Paul Rubens(1577–1640), 《The Union of Earth and Water (Antwerp and the Scheldt)》, 1618, Oil on canvas, 222.5x180.5 cm, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

【轉貼博物館官網說明】:The theme of the elements, traditional to 16th- and 17th-century Flemish painting, gained new meaning in Rubens‘ work: Rubens‘ contemporaries interpreted the alliance of Cybele, Goddess of Earth, and Neptune, as the important alliance of Flanders and the sea, the River Scheldt and the city of Antwerp.


回應:s-Khoan 2015-09-30 11:33:14 (IP: ) T 4407_R 160 引 用
>It seems you have a fond of the character of Neptune / Poseidon and fascinate on the power of the trident, and the philosophy behind it.

Why not?
Poseidon Control typhoons too. ^^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-09-30 11:59:00 (IP: ) T 4407_R 161 引 用
Now you can watch his son in action in the film.

However, all gods considered,
Poseidon doesn‘t seem so major.
(The third from the left of the third row.)

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-01 10:32:05 (IP: ) T 4407_R 162 引 用
中秋節前晚, 我被月亮吵醒, 你相信嗎?
因為大顆月亮引來強風 在室內造成不尋常的擾動聲響,
睜眼一看, 滿室光亮, 比平常僅有路燈時還亮得多, 而且是偏白光。
才猛醒, 是大顆月亮造成的。
難怪會趕我起身來觀賞。 (次日颱風天果然就看不到這光景了。)

賞完月,躺回床上,不禁又想起那以月為名的大學湖 (沒錯「醉月湖」。 名稱很不酷。)。
我們是不是應該建設性地 試著為它命名呢?

要點是要 有動感一點, 而且健康的。

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-01 10:36:30 (IP: ) T 4407_R 163 引 用
BTW, X Ma-San, I keep wondering, did you photoshop the picture in R 136, ‘cuz it‘s not really out of VIR.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-01 18:53:56 (IP: ) T 4407_R 164 引 用
“did you photoshop the picture in R 136 ? ” ==> No, it’s from the follows you can compare

“It‘s not really out of VIR.” ==> you may be right!

Luce Memorial Chapel 東海大學路思義教堂 IR - DSC_8611 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Luce Memorial Chapel 東海大學路思義教堂 IR紅外線攝影 DSC_8658 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Tunghai University 東海大學校園一角 IR - DSC_8710 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-02 12:12:34 (IP: ) T 4407_R 165 引 用
I see. Thanks for the information.

I figure you must have registered, cuz
I remember I couldn‘t get the photos out of that link. -_-

So. how‘s life? ^^ No Typhoon?

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-02 12:28:59 (IP: ) T 4407_R 166 引 用

>要點是要 有動感一點, 而且健康的。

首先想到 這明顯是台大的校湖, 但
就叫它[校湖], 等於沒叫, 沒甚麼[殊勝](佛家語)之處.
(所謂[東海湖] 也等於還沒有名稱. :-)

反射性想想(反射性 想想, that is ^_~), 那就叫[嘯湖]吧?
很不錯啊! 只不過要其本身有配套的音響特色才行. 必須實地去考察一番.

配合校訓 也是制式的辦法.
眾所皆知, 該校校訓 [敦品勵學, 愛國愛人], 平淡無奇.
那就叫[奮起湖], 算是4平8穩了, 但
先決條件 要目前那[奮起湖]地名願意正名為[畚箕湖]才行阿.

快來幫忙想想, 包括那個欠缺創意的[東海湖].

回應:X Ma 2015-10-02 13:45:23 (IP: ) T 4407_R 167 引 用

“I figure you must have registered, cuz” --> no, not reregistered, just like everybody.

“I remember I couldn‘t get the photos out of that link. -_-” --> you should, newer browser might be of help, I got to see the thing no problem!

“So. how‘s life? ^^ No Typhoon?” --> nothing particular, you‘re not a Taiwan dweller?

回應:X Ma 2015-10-02 15:16:26 (IP: ) T 4407_R 168 引 用
To suggest a decent name for the “Crazy Moon Lake” might be of fun, but brain cell killing ~ ~

Let’s back to Neptune ~ ~

R150 >> “對了。 最懂海/水 威力的, 絕對是我們的討海人─ San了!” It’s very touching!

“Neptune 是羅馬神話中的海神和水神,相對應於希臘神話中的波塞頓(Poseidon),亦被稱為大地的震撼者(地震)、大地的佔有者。他的坐騎是白馬駕駛的黃金戰車,手執三叉戟,這也是海王星的天文學符號。”(高中生 san)

Fondness of Neptune ==> “Why not?”
“Poseidon Control typhoons too. ^^”

Happiness is to find someone worships the same god and believes in the same faith:

Here you go:

『在這広場我発現我的神:Fontana del Nettuno, Nettuno=Neptune=海王星。1822年建。』

『来到最倶吸引力的 Piazza Navona, 人潮與小販水漏不通、我只能用大砲拍到貝尼尼的作品、也是海王星、這座是Moor噴泉、海王星戦大章魚、R君笑説我討海的不忘朝拜我的神!!』

There you used to find roughly a half dozen of very fine shots of the Neptune statue and the bearded muscle man/god centered fountain and I bet you would be happy and joyful to see.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-03 02:18:54 (IP: ) T 4407_R 169 引 用
Sailor‘s a pretty good photographer.


Poseidon is also capable of summoning the Kraken.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-03 10:33:29 (IP: ) T 4407_R 170 引 用

My poor browser often failed to reveal Sailor‘s nice shots, that’s why I said “you used to see” instead of “you see”!

“Poseidon is also capable of summoning the Kraken.”

You’re quite right. He who pays no respect to him get punished. Poseidon commands all sea monsters in his dispose. Giant octopus is just a form of the krakens and the one tourists see at the Piazza Navona Neptune fountain is a companion/attaché to Neptune. Simply like dolphins, seahorses, tritons and sealymphs.

A pair of sweet American sisters walked out for their camera after getting helped at the fountain

Piazza Navona is gorgeous and always congested with tourists. I spent times there every time I visited the city.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-03 13:08:15 (IP: ) T 4407_R 171 引 用
Pitchfork (乾草叉) 是魔鬼的工具; 而 Trident (三叉戢) 是海神的武器.
三叉戢 尖端帶倒鉤, 是戰鬥的武器.
乾草叉 不見得三叉, 有4叉 5叉的, 稍有彎曲. 功用是挑送乾草.
(想像, 乾草叉如果帶倒鉤, 就不方便把乾草送開了.)


回應:X Ma 2015-10-03 14:52:22 (IP: ) T 4407_R 172 引 用

R171 shows a decent sharp Trident! s-Khoan san know Trident just like farmers know their hayfork! My respect!

But, have you seen Neptune carrying no Trident?

Every Neptune carries a Trident and he who carries no Trident mustn’t be Neptune; true or false?

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-03 17:37:43 (IP: ) T 4407_R 173 引 用
He then would become powerless.
And a powerless Neptune would not mean much to us.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-03 17:43:35 (IP: ) T 4407_R 174 引 用
Indian god Shiva also have a trident as weapon, but doesn‘t seem always care to have it in hand, as Neptune (Poseidon) does.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-03 17:45:24 (IP: ) T 4407_R 175 引 用

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-03 18:32:23 (IP: ) T 4407_R 176 引 用
but doesn‘t seem always care to have it in hand, =>
but doesn‘t seem to care to always have it in hand,

回應:X Ma 2015-10-03 22:01:51 (IP: ) T 4407_R 177 引 用

Tridents that aren’t call Trident.

The Trident of a musical conductor

is called a (conducting) wand.

The Trident of a Nazi general

was called a ceremonial/commanding wand

The Trident of Cinderella‘s god mother

Is called a magic wand

The Trident of a Ohio class sub

Is called a missile :)


Just to name a few, there are lots more ~~

My point is that the content and context of “Trident” could be made broader or be generalized. ^_^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-04 10:26:04 (IP: ) T 4407_R 178 引 用
Scepter (笏,節杖,王權), you mean?

But 3 is an important number when it comes to divinity in the Western cultures, probably as important as 0 (Śūnyatā) in Buddhism.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-04 12:15:55 (IP: ) T 4407_R 179 引 用

When you focusing on the power and the superiority essence behind a thing its physical appearance smears and bears no importance.

“But 3 is an important number when it comes to divinity in the Western cultures, probably as important as 0 (Śūnyatā) in Buddhism.” I agree, at least in the religious domain and profession. In modern digital computation 0 and 1. Our Universe could be from a big-bang of a singularity 0 by the so-called magic vacuum fluctuation. In Physics the most fascinating number of all physical constants is the speed of light 〜 〜 ^_^

回應:X Ma 2015-10-04 12:47:46 (IP: ) T 4407_R 180 引 用

BTW, the ratio of the circumference π or the Euler number e might be the choice by our 阿牛智者! 嘻!

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-04 22:37:17 (IP: ) T 4407_R 181 引 用
Talking about power, let‘s not forget Holly potter‘s little friend, the elder wand.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-05 11:12:52 (IP: ) T 4407_R 182 引 用

回應:X Ma 2015-10-05 16:37:46 (IP: ) T 4407_R 183 引 用

Of all the magic wands I like the conductor’s wand best; so powerful, so fantastic〜〜

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-05 19:26:31 (IP: ) T 4407_R 184 引 用
Is this Bhikkhuni holding some scepter too?

回應:X Ma 2015-10-05 23:25:54 (IP: ) T 4407_R 185 引 用
R184 >> Is this Bhikkhuni holding some scepter too?~


Yes, not sure it’s called “金鋼杵” 。因為 “金鋼杵”是法器所以有法力,大悲咒又是咒語也應該有魔力,恆訴若是得道神尼當亦有神力,聆聽講訴得 "法力+魔力+神力" 之助必定可以早日開悟!

回應:X Ma 2015-10-05 23:34:56 (IP: ) T 4407_R 186 引 用


回應:X Ma 2015-10-05 23:39:13 (IP: ) T 4407_R 187 引 用
此述非彼訴: 講述非講訴! old age problem.

回應: X Ma 2015-10-06 04:14:54 (IP: ) T 4407_R 188 引 用
Back to Trident that isn’t called Trident:

The only Roman Ocean who holds no Trident

The Fontana di Trevi or Trevi Fountain is probably the most famous and highly visited fountain in all of Rome. This beautiful monument dominates the small Square of the same name.

The impressive central figure of the monument, of course, is Neptune. He rides a shell-shaped chariot that is pulled by two sea horses, each guided by a Triton. Interestingly, in his hand is not his hallmarked Trident but a wand in act of command. The whole group of his passage were sculpted by Pietro Bracci. In the first image below on his left hand side is a statue representing Abundance. Together with the one on the right Salubrity (Health) both were the work of Filippo della Valle.

The girls just finished their coin tossing; each vowed would come back someday again ^_^

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-06 10:30:26 (IP: ) T 4407_R 189 引 用
>The girls just finished their coin tossing; each vowed would come back someday again ^_^

WOW. You know them, or you are one of them?
Let me guess... -_~

About tridents or magic wands in gereal,
I read on the Net that when the master is powerful enough,
he or she doesn‘t actually need it to exercise.

So. I don‘t know.
It‘s in fact very rare here on the TV that a Dharma-master(法師) while lecturing holds things like that.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-06 10:38:30 (IP: ) T 4407_R 190 引 用
How about this Neptune?

回應:X Ma 2015-10-06 13:13:58 (IP: ) T 4407_R 191 引 用
『WOW. You know them, or you are one of them?』
『Let me guess... -_~』

We had brief chat with 〜〜 That was what they told me what they have wished while throwing coins over their shoulder

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-06 22:50:04 (IP: ) T 4407_R 192 引 用
I see.
Actually, I did figure out that‘s must be the case.
They all look like just teenagers, and unlike Chinese speakers.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-07 00:10:51 (IP: ) T 4407_R 193 引 用
Teens from California

Don’t know if they have any Chinese knowledge; but that wasn’t a problem as I do speak some of your language. I remember joked to them with my poor English: “What am I supposed to wish if I toss a coin like you?” ~ ~ Stupid old dude, they might think!

回應:X Ma 2015-10-07 00:42:05 (IP: ) T 4407_R 194 引 用
『〜〜when the master is powerful enough,
he or she doesn’t actually need it to exercise.』

This is what I am about to elaborate next〜〜
But before that, we continue on Roman Ocean 〜〜

The last outdoor Ocean to see in Roma is the first one Sailor got to see. There may be Ocean statues kept in indoor/ museums which “Google” can help to exhaust.

The Sailor’s group seemed to arrive the square in early afternoon, probably just finished their lunch not long ago. The square is big and no lack of interesting stuffs for photographers to explore. We thank Sailor’s kindness to share his experience and shots which spared my repetition in showing the Fontana del Nettuno.

回應:X Ma 2015-10-07 00:47:35 (IP: ) T 4407_R 195 引 用
Probably not getting there in proper time, I found Piazza del Popolo was rather noisy and clumsy. At least when viewed west from the balcony terrace of Pincio.

Piazza del Popolo in dusk with ugly tents and mass for some activities on going. However, the great dome of Basilica di San Pietro & the Church of San Gioacchin were seen from the city’s skyline which is impressive.

The Fontana della Dea di Roma (opposit to the Fontana del Nettuno on the western side of the square)

Egyptain lion fountain and the terrazza del Pincio at the back

The obelisk and the twin churches of S. Maria di Montesanto and S. Maria dei Miracoli

Handsome Italian mount police or cavalrymen; I am not sure which.

Porta del Popolo, leaving the square through this gate for my hotel. 881, bye-bye!

回應:X Ma 2015-10-07 11:54:24 (IP: ) T 4407_R 196 引 用
『〜when the master is powerful enough, he or she doesn’t actually need it to exercise.』

這個 quote 很有東方哲學的味道,所謂「重劍無鋒、大巧不工、大象無形、大音希聲〜〜」等等不就是道個意涵嗎?


回應:X Ma 2015-10-07 11:55:41 (IP: ) T 4407_R 197 引 用

shows exactly the spirit of「Nothing is something! 」

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-07 13:17:00 (IP: ) T 4407_R 198 引 用
R197, Or just, someone has stolen that something. ^_~

Thanks for all the informations.
I am about to get overwhelmed, pleasantly though,
by the power of Roman forms.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-08 23:17:54 (IP: ) T 4407_R 199 引 用
California is much like a desert state.
No wonder they came a long way to enjoy the watery settings.

回應:s-Khoan 2015-10-09 10:43:05 (IP: ) T 4407_R 200 引 用
>Don’t know if they have any Chinese knowledge; but that wasn’t a problem as I do speak some of your language.

By ‘your language‘, you don‘t mean Taiwanese?

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